Friday, May 26, 2006

The Summer Schedule, Part I (edited, again)

This schedule isn't really set in stone, so much as carved into a bright blue bar of Dial soap. Because, you see, time is like water - it gradually wears away all of our plans, slowly fading our intentions into first abbreviations, then memories. It's a place to start, darn it!

the GREAT summer schedule:

  • 10:30am-2:45pm - teaching with IRD
  • 9pm-10pm - Deadwood, on HBO

  • 9am-1pm - Gainesville State College, Oconne (tutoring)
  • 3pm-10pm - teaching with IRD

  • 9am-1pm - Gainesville State College, Oconne (tutoring)
  • 3:30-5pm - continuing training for IRD
  • 6pm-7:30pm - jiu-jitsu

  • 9am-1pm - Gainesville State College, Oconne (tutoring)
  • 4pm-7pm - Martial Arts (and STORM team teaching)
  • 9pm-10pm - Ghost Hunters on SciFi

  • 9am-1pm - Gainesville State College, Oconne (tutoring)
  • 2pm-5pm - working on writing, getting published
  • 6pm-8:30pm - jiu-jitsu, open mat

  • 9am-1pm - Gainesville State College, Oconne (tutoring)

  • 8:30am-3pm - teaching with IRD
  • 3-12am - whatever the heck I feel like doing.

Hey, it's a start, people! It will change on July 5, and again on July 10. Charge on!

(cross your fingers that the July 10 change will be a j.o.b. that is full-time with a certain c.o.l.l.e.g.e. Fingers AND toes, please.)

1 comment:

Anita said...

Fingers AND toes? I don't know if I'm agile enough to manage, but I'll try my darndest!

How's the sweater? Do we need a consult before I head to NY?