Tuesday, May 2, 2006


Restart program.

Yeah, so today started out seriously, seriously, inside out. Got up on the wrong side of the bed and everything...and believe me, that's a feat when my bed is pushed up against the wall.

So first, Melanie made me laugh with some Penny Arcade and a manbearpig. (I am so totally cereal!). And yes, pontificators and pundits, we definitely get that it's a riff on Al Gore's evangelical environmentalism. I'm not even going to link that, b/c so many bloggers have commented on it. Duh and double-duh. Thanks for the insight, oh sage webwrights. But I digress... and become snarky.*

I was going to post this picture:

But I determined that it would be nothing less than a ridiculous bid for pity. Although... didn't I negate my positive decision to move away from martyrdom by subsequently posting the picture anyway and thereby surreptitiously (for you, eJ) obligating my readers' sympathy? I must be careful, or I'll end up ripping a hole in the time-space-continuum.**

I am cheering myself with silliness, the best, and actually most offensive, is the e-greeting card site listed in the next paragraph. I warn you, if you are easily offended by swear words, or if you don't like SouthPark and other suchlike humor (see above: manbearpig) then I strongly advise you to visit this site instead.

Otherwise, go laugh, albeit with a shocked expression, at the Grumpy Llama. And please, don't hate me forever because I posted a link to something a little off-color. Seriously... although I guess if everyone gets all a-flutter about it, I might change it out.

If you'd rather have some more geekiness in your life, go to Wil Wheaton's blog. Yes, he was Wesley Crusher, of the inimitable (man I love that word) Star Trek: The Next Generation, but he is also a fantastic writer and total, utter, and complete geek. We love him. And come on, you know you watched TNG when you were a kid.

The End. I leave you with the sweetest pic EVER of my nephew Jackson. And for those in the know, this is Jackson #1, of Dave and Jodi.

Now if that doesn't make you grin, nuthin' will. Have a wonderful day, dear readers!

*(aside:Ooh! Ooh! A footnote!) You might notice my lack of patience for pretension. Also, my affinity for alliteration and assonance.
** And you thought it would be a Back to the Future link. Crafty, ain't I?


Anonymous said...

The Wheaton blog is stellar. And to think I used to call him Ensign Puberty.

Thanks for the silliness. I will use it sparingly over the next day or so.

karen-the-great said...

Poor Wil. He's written a few times about his own (self-proclaimed) poor performances as Wes.

Sneaky girl, with a Byron-styled blog of which I knew nothing! :)

jmg said...

expect one of those cards in the recent future. brilliant!

LotusKnits said...


Love the footnotes. And Wil. But you knew that.


Anonymous said...

Oh, #@!$!%' A! I am so @$&!*$@#)*$@$ offended at that $#&@(!* site. How dare you? How. Dare. You. ?.

I'm totally gonna sick the FCC on your $@&!!!!

scøüpe said...

i love the grumpy llama! i only wish i had found it before some of the more recent holidays had passed.