Friday, April 14, 2006


You Are a Smiley Face Cookie

You're happy go lucky. So happy, in fact, it's a little past the point of normal sanity.

You usually make those around you smile ... when you're not creeping them out!


jmg said...

that's awesome!!! and pretty accurate-only you don't creep me out...but maybe that just means i'm a little creepily insane, too?

Rebecca said...

It's true! Minus the creeping out, of course. You are happy and great to be around. Me?:

***You Are a Chocolate Chip Cookie***
Traditional and conservative, most people find you comforting. You're friendly and easy to get to know. This makes you very popular - without even trying!

Huh. Not very exciting. It is my favorite kind of cookie, though - also not very exciting, but certainly comforting. Karen, I love the quizzes you find!!

starbuck said...

do they have one for what kind of tree you'd be, if you were a tree? i need to find that one, before i get rich & famous, so i'll know how to answer the interviewer...

karen-the-great said...

[eyes shifting nervously, shuffling feet]

umm, yeah, well, see...uh...there's this girl, might know her...uh...she's kind of the "quiz chick." i'm just an intellectual property theif. (which means: Jenna found the quiz. I just used it on my blog and cleverly avoided actually citing my source. heh.)

Oh and also, I have a "tree" type quiz, if you want me to email it to you, crawdaddy.

jmg said...

well, lest we forget, KTG initially directed me to the blogthings site :) so she's entitled to take some credit!

starbuck said...

credit, or do you mean blame?

karen-the-great said...

an intellectual property thief who can't spell.

"i before e, except after c." Sorry for the pain and agony, grammar and spelling friends.

starbuck said...

nbodoy ntoiecd.

scøüpe said...

i did. unfortunately, i haven't checked my blog in a while and you caught it before i could catch you on it. "i'll get you next time gadget, next time."