Monday, September 11, 2006

September, what?

Wait, wait, wait.

It's what date? September 11th? I don't want to post about that since everyone is going to post about that. **

insert your own...
- remembrances - anger - bitterness - sorrow - politics - pictures - songs - poems - lists of lost -

I know my feelings on this. You know them too: you experienced / are experiencing them today, we all have been. for 5 years.

5 years. Sheesh.

I won't tell you to "Never Forget" and put up a horrifying picture of the devastation in NY. I won't play a patriotic tune and tell you that you need to march forth to prove your inner staunchness. I won't tell you that I spent all morning weeping as I remembered that day. That's not what grieving is about.

Listen to something lovely and aching today. Look into the air as an airplane passes over and pray a little. Hold someone's hand. Laugh and be joyful all by yourself. You can. It's allowed. Go to a memorial service and make congregational reponses. Stare into space. Sing a sad little song that hurts your heart. Write an essay. Write a letter. Talk. Be silent.

You can look at a flag drifting on the wind at half-mast and know peace. It's not sacriledge. You are also allowed to feel fury. Emptiness. Patriotism. Frustration. Today's the day we remember. Tomorrow's the day we keep going, as we always have. As we must.

So, mourn in your own way, as I'll do in mine. I'll also be with you, if you need it. Today and tomorrow and on.

Does this sound bitter? Distant? I hope not - that's not what I intend. Encouraging, if anything. Be well, all.


Oh. I just did post, didn't I? Ah me. I might as well say, "I am speechless." Like will ever happen.

1 comment:

starbuck said...

you did post, didn't you? and it was a good post.