Friday, January 20, 2006

Knee-jerk reaction.

I have done it!

I have decided!

I have the answer!

(it is not, as some might suggest, "42")

My blog shall be a teaching, jiu-jitsu, knitting blog. Or, "TeaJiuKni." (pronounce the hard "k" sound). Sounds cool. I think that makes me cool. Or something.

But what about Sci-Fi!? What about Buffy? What about my family? My faith? My piano? My Shakespeare? Tolkien???

Fear not, gentle friends! I shall not neglect the ten million other obligations and interests of my, not even you and your antics. You and your shenanigans, as well as the escapades of your loved ones, are fair game in this rollicking ride of one writer's attempt to break through her block of fear and procrastination.

"Aha!" one might say. So you have sold your soul, your sincerity and directness, for a trademark wit and gentle banter. Again, I say to you, "Fear not!" I am, as ever, my SELF, and will indulge in light humor only to better engage my multifarious (a word chosen with great care - delightful, yes?) readers and therefore ensnare them in a dialogue of delicate philosophical considerations and mighty internal debate.

Intrigued yet?

Tune in next time, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel, for more TeaJiuKni from karen-the-great. Kaaa-POW!

(okay, so maybe the so-called "same Bat Time" is actually a little bit later today...but you can tune in whenever you like)

So...something about one of my three topics........

Jiu-jitsu it is then. (On google cached searches, this line will be highlighted. Neat-o.)

Background: I just started my Gracie Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes in July, so I'm still new, and in that kind of "awe and wonderment" phase. I'm only a gold belt with one stripe, but I'm proud of that anyway, especially since, due to some scheduling issues and my sensei's faith in me, I've been attending the intermediate class for about two weeks. Going well, except for the catastrophic knee-injury that happened this past Monday. Well, catastrophic is a bit melodramatic.

Very silly, and I hate it when I'm very silly and it causes injury and embarassment. I was grappling with Erica, an excellent blue belt and a lovely person, and I had a half-guard of her right leg, stretching her out to threaten her base. But she, being alert and talented, shifted her weight to her left for a choke, and I, being slow and amateur, held on a split second too long. Snap, POP! (no Crackling, thank goodness). Ouchie.

I did NOT cry. Or scream. But I did almost bite through my mouth guard.

It's all achy today, and in Karate on Wednesday I couldn't do any kicks at all. I couldn't stay for jiu-jitsu after, since the throbbing started up again. Total un-fun. (Did I mention I also participate in Adult Martial Arts?) My little bro, the golden child Matthew (golden hair, golden heart - a good kid) tore his ACL several years ago, and is all OVER me to go the doctor. Same for the B. Funny how the whole no-health-insurance-thing limits the doctor's visits for big problems.

I think I'll be okay - keeping with the icing, the Motrin, the brace, etc. But I want to play. It's almost like I'm the little kid stuck inside on a rainy day with no good books to read, and only a goldfish to talk to. Not that ya'll are goldfish, Jenna and Darren! Definitely more like purple striped parrot fish.

Okay. That's the "on-topic" post for today.


scøüpe said...

i'm sorry to break it to you but the answer really is "42". just because the movie sucked doesn't mean the truth is any less meaningful

Matt Place said...

the movie didn't suck, just you people that have read the book found too many differences that you were turned off. same thing with me and the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers... friggin ruined that movie.

but seriously karen, you should go see a doctor. I'll help you pay just go see one.

scøüpe said...

i admit, the movie was a good effort by adams to try to translate a mainly narrative work into a film format. but that novel doesn't lend itself well to such a format and thusly had to be greatly altered. that i understand.
i didn't like the movie because it seemed to try too hard for cheap laughs rather than the classic adams' humour which i expected. the film wasn't just different, it was below the level of any of his novels.