Monday, April 30, 2007

Grammar &tc.

Does that title actually even mean anything? I know! I'll ask Grammar Girl!

You may be surprised to note that Grammar Girl ≠ The Grammar Queen . This grammatical wunderkind represents the best of all grammar geekdom: a technological outlet for grammar nerds and grammar noobs, online access to "Down and Dirty Grammar Tips" (oh heck yeah!), and blogiferousness.

In fact, I know she'd probably HATE my verbarianism - despite its cleverness, it's also a bit, oh, I dunno, silly.

It's Language Day on ktg, and I've got some other sites that will tickle your linguistic fancy... especially if you're a teacher that tires of the disparity between content and construct... medium and message... idea and presentation... readability and oh good grief did you even proofread this??:

  • A Sesquipedalian Haven
    ~my reaction: Word Geeks to the extreme. Feel smarter, and realize that you are not alone!

  • Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen's "39 Picky Rules"
    ~my reaction: One of the best professors I have ever, EVER had, graduate school included. Not only is he a Shakespeare scholar, the man actually teaches his students how to write. AND he's funny. The man makes grammar and style humorous, if you can believe it.

  • "High Brow" T-Shirts from One Horse Shy
    ~my reaction: Too. Perfect.
    Bad Grammar

    ... and OH so many more.

Have at 'em.


jmg said...

best. shirts. ever.

my favorites, other than the ones you've already mentioned, are "bad grammar makes me [sic]" and the oscar wilde quotation.

fantastic. :)

karen-the-great said...

another for you, eJ!
