Thursday, October 26, 2006

Girl got skillz.

When you hear that, you can rest assured that they are - whoever these mysterious they are - talking about me.

I'm sitting here, not grading (though I should be...) knitting AND blogging AND thinking about martial arts. I'm like a flying-spinning side-kick to the purl stitch through the back loop. Rock it.

I've been feeling marvelously peaceful lately. Work hasn't really slowed down, and if it weren't for that darn printer yesterday, this week, though busy (duh) might have floated on by a drop-stitch scarf on the stream. Or something. Huh, what?

I've got friends. I've got LOST* tonight. I had our Bible-study small group on Sunday, with spaghetti and meatballs and fellowship and everything. I know that God is answering my prayers in quiet, surprising ways, and I know that writing is my calling. I can feel it calling (shouting) at me, even in my sleep. Maybe that's God, too.

But see, here's the thing: I love teaching. All the way and wholeheartedly. Yet...always yet! I'm learning that it's almost impossible to do both, unless I'm old and gray with a PhD under my belt - after my name - somewhere, anyway.

So, there's that to think about this week.

But there's also this, for the "Pirate Party" in VA this weekend:

and this (for the same reason):

(see? Half-bird, half-woman, all totally hot. Well, tempting unto the rocks of death for the Greeks, anyway).

And the almost-done-but-not-quite scarf for my sister-in-law. Hence, the simultaneous blog-knit. This particular b-day gift might turn into a Christmas gift...

Happy Halloween!


*Does anyone else have the strange urge to correct that phrase to "I've gotten lost tonight."? Dratted grammar indoctrination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great to hear ya :) chica! Thanks for the entertainment! the grammer bothers me not! :) he is too short to worry with things such as that! lol